Sunday, December 7, 2014

Virgo 2015 Horoscope

2015 is a year of great luck and abundance, Virgo. There will also be strong feelings, opinions, and a great drive to succeed. It may be hard to think straight all the time amidst so much activity and bustling daily life, but you'll do your best.

Expect opportunities and congenial people around you from January 1, as your ruling planet Mercury is in Capricorn along with the Sun, Venus, and Pluto. Capricorn is an Earth Sign and very compatible with you, Virgo.

Jupiter enters Virgo on August 11. From then on, amplified good luck and prosperity should blossom. Friends and family (particularly siblings) may be extra generous. It's a year to bring each other many happy times.

Enhanced creativity, good times with groups of people (especially large gatherings), and a trip or two are all smiled upon this year. Be healthy, active, eat and rest well, because it's a busy year!

You'll be there for each other in all the ways that count most in a relationship. Nurture and be nurtured by your loved one.

The day after the Sun enters Virgo, Mercury trines the asteroid Ceres, both in Earth signs. Abundant honesty and being able to talk about the most practical nuts and bolts part of life will be possible (if not already) without either of you getting self-conscious, doubtful, or fearful of what the other may think or say.

Please each other in unusual or surprising ways this year. Surprise parties, gifts, or a trip are possible examples. Your Grand Trine in Fire (involving Uranus, Mars, and the Moon) keeps romantic excitement going all year. Peak times should be April, August, and late November.

The September 13 Solar Eclipse in Virgo could impact some big joint plan, like buying a house or closing some other deal. Watch your health now, too. Keep stress low and pamper one another. Mercury retrograde (September 17 - October 9) helps slow things down to the daily routine that you both prefer.

Meet people this year at the gym, out hiking, cycling, or doing some other individual sport. If athletics is not for you, Virgo, spectator sports is another possibility. Younger friends or relatives might introduce you to good dating prospects, especially in the second half of the year.

Why wait, though? You're beyond charming this year, and you might need new friendly ways to say, "No thanks, maybe later." Someone different could appeal to you from time to time, but your best bets are still your more familiar types of romantic matches.

Be alert in February, Virgo. The month starts with a Venus-Neptune conjunction in Pisces, making the marginal look good and good look superb. In the days before the Mercury-Neptune conjunction in Pisces (March 18), judgment may also be less than sharp. The same goes for the Solar Eclipse in Pisces on March 20.

Love, opportunity, and energy are all abundant in 2015. Expect very little romantic downtime!

Career prospects, job offers, or new assignments may be a bit out of the ordinary in 2015, Virgo. Think and boldly act outside the box. Expose yourself to new skills and learn new things.

If you're job searching in March and April, submit a slightly quirky application and have infinite self-confidence. A Tenth House Uranus in Aries is your friend. You never know.

If already in a stable job, challenging new duties could appear right away in January.

Count no chickens before they hatch, make sure those incoming checks have cleared and maybe cut back a little on using credit (if you haven't already).

You're blessed with the Sun conjunct Jupiter in Virgo, and by late summer, people may simply give you valuable, useful things. Be generous in return, in proportion with good sense. The stars radiantly smile on your finances this year!