Sunday, December 7, 2014

Libra 2015 Horoscope

2015 gives you a deeper desire for material security and luxury. This means you'll have greater motivation and ambition. In your gentle, agreeable Libra way, you'll accomplish more and attract more compatible people into your camp. 

You'll be extremely lucky with people, so network away! Then put social activities on pause during August, rest up and re-energize.

Mercury goes retrograde in your sign (September 17 - October 9) and this is a great thing, too. Consolidate your team of friends and family members now, and see clearly who your truest supporters are. 

November and December are powerful times for you as well, particularly the last two days of December when your planet Venus moves into glorious Sagittarius.

Listen to one another more this year and give each other time for the words to soak in. With the Lunar North Node in early Libra, there are a lot of karmic connections and magic in play for you this year.

You may both feel extravagant, mostly in the summer, but with so many planets in Fire Signs, you can find sensible ways to satisfy those desires. 

In the fall, thoughts may turn to simpler happiness at home. This does not have to mean a remodel or even new purchase, but if you need something new, you can negotiate and make it happen.

Saturn is just entering Sagittarius and there's tremendous passion for you, though it may have a more serious, profound and lasting feel to it. This energy doesn't have to boil over. Express what you need from each other, and develop a deeper emotional connection. The last two months of the year may be the most desirous, intense, and fulfilling.

You may not find your soul mate this year, but if not, you should get a fleeting glimpse. The flighty, casual, effervescent types of relationships will have less appeal and be less pleasurable in 2015. But this does not mean that romance is turning grim, because it's not!

There is plenty of affectionate fun all year long, especially in the late summer and autumn, when your mood may be lighter and your heart less demanding. Mutual respect may be the deciding factor in a relationship. If you've tolerated feeling unappreciated in the past, that will not fly this year, and why should it?

The most sensitive times for you may be during the summer Venus retrograde, and also in late September when the Sun and Lunar North Node fill the first two degrees of Libra. Your soul mate might just make an appearance now, too.

The rest of September and October can bring you witty, wonderful companionship, though not necessarily of the lasting kind. Magic is when and where you find it!

Taking care of basic business is second nature for you in 2015. From the very beginning of the year, people will want to work with you. 

In the workplace, you may be the most reliable one in the office. You'll gently defend your own turf and time, and not let your good nature be tested beyond reason.

If you're looking for work (or for new assignments in your present situation), you'll be ambitious and modestly able to state your skills and abilities. Your sense of responsibility will speak for itself more and more plainly as the year progresses, especially in the last quarter as Saturn in Sagittarius gives you more authority.

Money may come and go, but you should have plenty to provide what you need. Perhaps in August you may want more as the Sun conjuncts Venus then Jupiter, but by the fall those fleeting yearnings should pass. It's overall quite a lucky, lucrative year for you!