Sunday, December 7, 2014

Pisces 2015 Horoscope

If you've ever dreamed of taking a step up and being a bigger, better you, 2015 is your year! Fresh, unexpected opportunities are everywhere, and doors will magically open for you, Pisces. 

Be sensible, not giddy. Take all this good luck seriously, and say "thank you" often.

Give yourself enough attention and be healthy, especially in January through April. January and February (with the January 19 Mars-Neptune conjunction and the February 21 Venus-Mars conjunction) will keep you busy but happy. 

Family and friends help you keep a lid on the wild times and offer sanity, harmony, and gentle fun and relaxation close to home. People may have high expectations of you, especially in the summer, and you may overextend yourself trying not to disappoint anyone.

Focus as much on yourself as others and become all that you want to be!

Pluto conjuncts the asteroid Ceres on February 15, so take good care of one another in early 2015. Indulge minor phobias and keep healthy snacks on hand. Pampering one another and cooking healthy meals together can show love without resorting to words.

People may seek you out for support or advice in February and March, and it may be hard to refuse them. Respect your own "couple needs" and consult with each other often. A glance at one another will be enough sometimes.

Passions overflow with the three Venus-Mars conjunctions this year. The conjunction of February 21 happens at the very beginning of Aries. It might feel like you've just met and fallen in love all over again.

As Jupiter moves into Virgo in August and as Saturn regains Sagittarius in September, life will only seem calmer. It will be more passionate, intimate, and emotionally nurturing for you both! Be sensitive and strong, and make your major plans for 2016 in the closing months of 2015.

Your heart may beat fast from January through April, Pisces, so limit that coffee consumption or maybe switch to decaf on those late night dates. 

Judgment may be clouded (especially with the Mercury retrograde January 21 - February 11) but instincts and psychic senses remain sharp. This gives you a chance to make a graceful exit if you want to.

The March 20 Solar Eclipse (in Pisces) could also bring romantic excitement. Something pivotal could begin or end for you. Pay attention and keep those psychic antennas up high.

You may meet fewer people from late April until August, but you may be ready for a bit of rest, anyway. 

Your social life, and critical thinking, rebound and improve in the fall, from October until the end of the year. If looking for someone solid as well as sexy, late October and again in late November are windows of opportunity.

This is an excitingly romantic year, Pisces. Play it safe and smart, but go out there and play!

There's plenty of passion and energy for work, ambition, and money this year, Pisces. Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn give you a Grand Trine in Fire Signs, providing motivation, eagerness, and the sense of pride to succeed. 

Possibly in April, take on a new assignment and stun people with your success. In August, Jupiter confers the power and vision to handle bigger projects. In November, Saturn consolidates your authority in the workplace.

If you're training or changing careers, 2015 offers inspiration and energy. Find a niche or introduction in the spring, project a powerful winning image in the summer, and be indisputably reliable and competent in the fall. This year is yours, really.

Finances also look adequate and on firm footing. Be fiscally sensible, maybe have a slightly thicker financial cushion against the unexpected (unlikely but never impossible, in April or in October), and prosper in 2015!